Session 2 (SHARE & LEARN) "Pillars of Development in the Context of Cultural Policies" The second session of our International Cultural Policy Conference taking place on 26 September... read more →
Cultural statistics are vital because they help national statistical offices, ministries of culture, and other stakeholders in the arts and culture recognize, describe, and quantify the economic and social effects... read more →
Two of the Compendium member states have recently experienced highly relevant changes in their national cultural policy development. In Austria, the Ministry of Art, Culture, Public Service and Sport (BMKÖS)... read more →
Session 1 (EXPLORE & SHARE) "What Does Development Mean? Exploring Definitions and Perspectives" The first session of our International Cultural Policy Conference taking place on 26 September in Podgorica,... read more →
For the first time, a short cultural policy profile for Portugal has been released on the Compendium website. A special thanks goes out to our Portoguese expert Cristina Farinha for... read more →
Today we are opening the registrations for the International Cultural Policy Conference taking place on 26 September in Podgorica, Montenegro in cooperation with the University "Mediterranean" Podgorica. We have recently... read more →
Today we are releasing two new Short Profiles in their native language. The Short Profile for Spain is now available in Spanish and the Maltese profile can now be read... read more →
Today marks the start of the 12th Federal Cultural Policy Congress on the topic of "Post-Polarisation? Shaping cultural policy narratives", organised by Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft (KuPoGe) in collaboration with the Federal... read more →
Today we are excited to share more information on our International Cultural Policy Conference on "Cultural Policies. Developments. Perspectives." in collaboration with the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica taking place on 26... read more →
Responsibility in the field of cultural policies regarding transformation, freedom and identity. Two independent but connected perspectives: Russia and Ukraine. We live in a time of constant change and transformation.... read more →