As per February 2022, the official unemployment level in the Republic of Armenia is 14.80%, however there is no separate data concerning cultural workers. The social welfare standards in the Republic of Armenia may be applied to the cultural sphere as well, however it must be noted, that a significant number of representatives of the sphere (artisans, craftsmen, cultural industries, etc.) are in precarious a position and may not be eligible for some social security benefits.
There is no standardised system of state-funded health insurance in Armenia, but many cultural and education institutions cover health insurance for their employees. Since 2022, the ballet and opera theatre performers are also eligible for this benefit.
All registered employees are eligible to get a employment pension after they reach the age of 63. However, some categories of education and cultural workers and theatre performers are eligible to get an employment pension after they have worked in the profession for 12 years. Armenian law also governs maternity and temporary disability benefits for both employees and the self-employed. The self-employed cannot receive this benefit if the activities were terminated; they are registered in the status of micro-enterprise, and if they received benefits under the law “On Tax Exemption of Activities in Border Settlements”.
Social benefits such as pensions and allowances are usually rather small; in some cases they do not even cover the life minimum, so people have to keep working until they are able to.
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