The Law on Culture (2011) defines the actors in the cultural field as follows: “physical or legal entities practising cultural activity or realising authorities in the sphere of culture”.
During the last years, amendments to the Law on Culture and special laws (On Libraries, On Museums, On Cinematography, On Theatre) as well as new concepts, laws, government decrees and presidential edicts were aimed to restructure and to reload the administrative system in culture, de-centralise public responsibilities for culture and to delegate basic tasks and responsibilities to the local government level, transferring some services to private or non-government organisations, creating wider and more equal opportunities for all players in the cultural field. Of particular interest in this area are the Law of Ukraine On Some Amendments to Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Introduction of Contractual Forms in Culture and the Competition Procedure for Appointing Managers of Public and Communal Cultural Establishments (2016), the Law of Ukraine On Some Amendments to Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning Improvement of the Public Management in Book Publishing (2016), the Law of Ukraine On Ukrainian Cultural Endowment (2017), the Law of Ukraine On Principles of State Regional Policy (2015), the Law of Ukraine On Voluntary Unification of Territorial Communities (2015), and the Long-term Development Strategy of Ukrainian Culture (Strategy of Reforms, 2016), etc.
The newly and actively emerging private and non-government sector of culture (including art galleries, design centres, events, publishing houses, hubs, co-working centres and the media) has started gradually to play a more visible role in policy-making decisions and funds allocation through various public committees, councils, and programmes.
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