The right to culture, and to not be subjected to discrimination is expressed in the UN Declaration on Human Rights, which is ratified by Sweden, as well as in the Discrimination Act (SFS 2008:567), which together with the Equality Act (SFS 1991:433) forbids discrimination on the basis of gender, transgender identity, or expression, ethnicity, religion, or other belief, disability, sexual orientation, or age. These laws cover areas such as employment, education, and access to goods and services. The legislation thus has consequences not only for employment and education in arts and culture, but also areas such as access to cultural activities and institutions. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child became Swedish law in 2020 (SFS 2018:1197). Other groups whose rights are regulated in special legislation or in special cases are national minorities (SFS 2009:724) and persons with disabilities (prop. 2016/17:188).
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