Basic plans for the digitisation of cultural heritage in Slovenia have been outlined in several documents: in the Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia in the Information Society (2003), and both National Programmes for Culture (2004-2007 in 2008-2011), as well as in a research project entitled Information Models of Cultural Heritage (2004). The aim is to connect institutions of cultural heritage and to create instruments for the development of digitisation programmes and projects.
By joining the EU MINERVA and MINERVA Plus projects, institutions, especially libraries, museums and archives in Slovenia have become more aware of the need for digitising cultural heritage for which they are responsible (see chapter 2.4). The importance of this topic was reflected in the international conference “Culture Online”, which was one of the seminars during the Slovenian presidency of the EU in the first half of 2008.
One of the cultural priorities in Slovenia‘s Development Strategy 2007–2013 refers to “comprehensively preserving and developing cultural heritage and connecting it with modern life and creation, because the society of our time must take responsibility for natural and cultural heritage and fulfil its moral commitment to future generations”. In its implementation, the cooperation with ministries such as ministries of the economy, of the environment and spatial planning, of transport, of agriculture, forestry and food, and of defence was announced. Of particular interest were the areas where joint projects could be implemented, primarily concerning the restoration of cultural heritage and its protection against natural disasters, bringing a better tourist offer, creating new jobs and foundations for revitalisation of old city centres and rural development. The link between tourism and culture was especially emphasised within Slovenia’s inclusion in the European Cohesion Policy. As part of the Operational programme for strengthening regional development potentials for the period 2007-2013, the Ministry of Culture was also involved in the implementation of content in the priority guideline Information Society, which involved projects of publicly available digital collections and e-cultural content and projects on the development and establishment of systems, user programmes and information and communication technology services in culture. The Ministry of Culture participated in the Operational programme for human resource development 2007–2013, in the priority guideline Culture as support for social inclusion of social groups, which falls within the priority Equal opportunities and reinforcing social inclusion. As part of the European Territorial Cooperation 2007–2013, culture and cultural heritage were defined at the level of tourism development as one of the main elements in creating the identity of areas and their valorisation.
Currently, the documents for the new financial perspective are being accepted. Culture has unfortunately a very marginal role in the Slovenian documents being represented mainly in the areas of human resources (self-employed in culture), enhancing competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (cultural and creative industries) and information-communication technologies (digitalisation of cultural heritage). At present, no infrastructural investments in culture and cultural heritage are envisaged in the framework of the perspective.
A new approach is also the enforcement of so-called preventive archaeology by a shift of emphasis in protection from the phase of excavation to the phase of planning with the objective of distraction of interventions into archaeological heritage.
Most important effects of new protective regulation are reflected also in firmer protection of cultural heritage in spatial planning and prosecution of measures (building) as viewed from content- and procedural aspects, and enabling of better management of territories and the most important monuments.
The Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage (2008) enables the work of volunteers (with appropriate education) in the public service of protection, including internships, work experience towards qualifications and other jobs. The law also anticipates the activity of volunteers-confidants in the field.
According to the summary of the National Programme for Culture 2014-2017 the envisaged measures in the field of cultural heritage “are part of the advanced interdisciplinary approach, which places the individual and his/her free participation in the cultural life at the heart of its activities. These measures are part of the extended concept of protection, which has advanced from the protection of individual monuments, organised within the framework of professional institutions in view of protecting such monuments from degradation and change, to the idea of protecting larger areas, conveyors of cultural and spatial identity, in order to substantiate the idea of cultural heritage as a source of economic, social and local development; which must extend beyond the limits of individual ministries’ policies and become part of larger strategies, and be able to actively create opportunities for investments from different sources and establish partnerships with local communities. Key goals comprise the establishment of an active and attractive network of Slovenia’s museums, galleries and institutes, a definition of tourist destinations, products and services in view of greater visibility of cultural heritage and greater contribution of this heritage to the development of the country, and increased international visibility of Slovenian cultural heritage sites.”
See also chapter 1.1 and chapter 2.1.
For more information, see
European Heritage Network: Country profile Slovenia
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