The overall budget in relation to the budget for the Ministry of Culture, for the period 2005 – 2008, is outlined in Table 6:
Table 6: State budget and budget of the Ministry of Culture, in SKK, 2005-2008
Year | Total state expenditure* | Expenditure of the MKSR** | % share of total |
2005 | 318 749 891 000 | 3 786 622 000 | 1.19 |
2006 | 302 787 092 000 | 4 563 583 000 | 1.50 |
2007 | 319 775 334 000 | 4 093 610 000 | 1.28 |
2008 (draft) | 344 248 371 000 | 5 114 567 000 | 1.49 |
Source: Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
* Expenditures from EU budget not included.
** Budget funds spent on programmes by the MK SR (including contribution to religion).
The territorial self-administration share of the financial support of culture is approximately equal to the share spent by the Ministry of Culture. This balance is a result of the transfer of competences in the area of local and regional culture and the public finances of the territorial self-administration (see chapter 1.2.3). As regards the coming years, it will be necessary to implement a more detailed methodology regarding the monitoring of public expenditure invested in culture at all levels of the public sector, in order for it to be possible to monitor the structured funding of public investment in culture, and to define a joint common strategy for furthering cultural development with the participation of central, regional and local public administrations. The basic regulation in the area of the financing of culture in the Slovak Republic should become the Act on Financing Culture, currently being prepared by the government.
The volume of funds earmarked for culture from the budgets of public administration is outlined below:
Table 7: Public cultural expenditure: by level of government, in million SKK, 2006
Level of government | Total expenditure | % share of total |
State | 4 563.6 | 53.5 |
Regional (self-governing regions – VÚC) | 1 387.5 | 16.3 |
Local (municipalities) | 2 572.9 | 30.2 |
Total | 8 524.0 | 100.0 |
Source: Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic, Datacentrum.
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