The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, either by itself or in collaboration with various entities or organisations, offers awards and prizes for excellence in the cultural sector. The National Cultural Fund Administration set up in 2005 subordinated to The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage offers every year non-reimbursable grants to public institutions, NGOs and private legal persons that undertake cultural programmes. Nevertheless, in 2012, the Romanian government has put forward a draft legislation that will stop the transfer of the 2% of the Romanian Lottery revenues to the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. These 2% were amounting to as much as 95% of the total budget of the AFCN for its grant-making towards cultural and editorial projects, so the effect for all project-based culture in Romania will be very important, especially for small organisations and freelance artists.
Between 2005 and 2008, scholarships and grants for studies and travel were made available by the Cultural Mobility Fund of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Since 2009, due to economic reasons the fund has been frozen. However, the Ministry has continued its preoccupation to offer support. In 2011 through the collaboration with the Indian Cultural Institute, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, offers seven study scholarships at universities in India, for the period 2011-2012. These scholarships are meant for students and citizens interested in Indian music, dance, sculpture etc.
From 2003 the Ministry of Education has instituted the “Theodor Aman” scholarship for postgraduate studies abroad in the field of arts. The scholarship is offered for up to two years. In 2009, the Agency of Loans and Scholarships ( it was set up. The Agency is subordinated to the Ministry of Education and centralises all scholarships available from the Ministry of Education, including those for the cultural sector.
The Romanian Cultural Institute also awards grants for the preparation and specialisation of translators, for foreign cultural journalists and foreign researchers. Another opportunity offered by this institution is the “Constantin BrâncuÅŸi” and “George Enescu” scholarships programme, designed to put Romanian artists in contact with the European cultural milieu by offering them the opportunity to work in a multicultural environment in the fields of art and music. In partnership with the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, The Romanian Cultural Institute initiated a fellowship programme that offers Romanian students the opportunity to participate in advanced research activities in Washington D.C.
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