Public cultural institutions are usually founded by the state and very rarely by municipalities. So far there are no changes in the financing of cultural institutions: in general, both types (national and local) institutions are financed by the state (Ministry of Culture).
In the past several years the number of institutions that are managing to apply for funding through various programmes of the European Union (e.g. IPA, Creative Europe, books translation etc.) have increased.
There is also a trend for private-public initiative between public cultural institutions and private ones, especially on the basis of cooperation of public cultural institutions with non-governmental cultural organisations or other actors from civil society on certain projects.
Except for the National Strategy for Cultural Development 2018-2022, there are no other official strategies concerning the public cultural institutions. As a matter of fact, even those formulated in the National Strategy (rapid decentralisation, reforms and depoliticisation in the cultural institutions, their revitalisation etc.) are completely left aside in the current trends in Macedonian culture.
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