The previous State Cultural Policy for 2015-2020 included for the first time as one of its priorities support for access to culture and the development of participative culture to facilitate social integration.
The Concept of Support for the Arts for 2015-2020 identified as a new issue the social or societal impacts of the arts and contains the first mention in a strategic document of the importance of this issue in comparison with the economic impacts that have had the priority focus up to now.
The new State Cultural Policy for 2021-2025+ also considers one of its objectives to be “to increase the availability and accessibility of culture, with the need for cultural values to be mediated to all and that culture is an everyday part of the lives of the country’s inhabitants, thus fulfilling its indispensable role in social cohesion”.
The main premise of the whole document is that “culture, art and creativity are a basic human need. Their promotion is the hallmark of an advanced society and their value goes far beyond their economic benefits. It is not just about the passive consumption of culture, art and creativity, but their active use in society and the economy.”
The EEA and Norway Grants Culture Programme 2014-2021 has launched 2 calls for proposals for contemporary art projects that support artistic activities aimed at promoting inclusivity and sustainable societies and addressing problems and their causes. Support was given to projects that address current societal issues, community and regional projects that address local needs, and projects that seek to integrate disadvantaged groups.
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