The Arts Decree of 13 December 2013 is the main legislative framework for supporting the professional arts in the Flemish Community (see 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 3.3, 3.5.4, 5.4, and 7.2.1). This includes project support, grants, residencies, and multi-year funding for performing arts (theatre, dance, music theatre, performance art), music, visual arts, (‘multiple screen’) audiovisual arts, design, architecture, and multi- and transdisciplinary arts. The Arts Decree is currently being reformed (see 2.9).
The Circus Decree of 1 March 2019 provides separate regulations for circus arts. As of 2021, it will replace older legislation that is still in effect in 2020.
The Decree on Amateur Arts of 22 December 2000 arranges support for amateur artists in different disciplines, including performing arts and music.
The Federal legislation on the tax shelter for the performing arts is discussed in 4.1.4.
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