The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1995), the Labour Code (1999) and laws On Employment (2018), On Trade Unions (1994), and On Culture (2012) regulate employment in the cultural field. A unified system of salaries is in place for those working in the different spheres of the public sector. Relationships between employers and workers are based on a contract system (usually concluded on a permanent or short-term basis). The collective contract is signed between the employer on the one side and the trade union on the other. In the event of the trade union’s absence, the working collective signs the contract. The trade union, working collective, employer, corresponding executive and representative body of employers can initiate signing the contract. The trade union can promote the negotiating related to the contract signing. In the event of its absence, the working collective can establish a commission for that purpose. The Law on State Service (2001) regulates the employment of state employees at all levels.
“ASAN service” centres were established by the Presidential Decree On Measures to Establish the State Agency for Citizen Services and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and to Improve the Services Provided to Citizens by Government Agencies” (2012). It should be noted that ASAN centres, which increase transparency and speed up the transition to e-services, have quickly gained immense popularity among the population and have practically eliminated potential corruption in relations between officials and citizens.
The public legal entity “ABAD” under the State Agency for Citizen Services and Social Innovations, created in 2016 by the corresponding decree of the President, plays a significant role in increasing employment and forming competitive family farms. For instance, ABAD centres implement projects to support family businesses operating in decorative and applied arts and food production. In addition, ABAD centres provide business planning, marketing, training, branding and design, financial accounting, legal assistance and, most importantly, sales organisation and equipment. Furthermore, certification of manufactured products on the principle of “one-stop-shop”, organisation of logistics and sales are also carried out by ABAD.
The Small and Medium Business (SMB) Development Agency under the Ministry of the Economy was established following the Presidential Decree On Further Improvement of Management in the Field of Small and Medium Business” (2017). The goals are to improve the system of business regulation and effective coordination, to increase the role and competitiveness of small and medium enterprises in the country’s economy. In addition, they aimed to adapt the management system to modern requirements, strengthening the legal support of entrepreneurship and creating favourable conditions for developing entrepreneurship in the regions.
The “Sustainable and Operational Social Security Agency” (DOST Agency), a public legal entity under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, was established according to the Presidential Decree On Additional Measures to Improve Governance in the Areas of Employment, Labour, Social Protection and security” (August 2018). The DOST centres, managed by the Agency, provide services for the appointment of pensions, benefits, employment, and solve other relevant issues.
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