Out-of school arts and cultural education is provided by different private, religious or community cultural organizations and for profit entities, many of which have inherited the infrastructures of Soviet houses of culture or reproduce them. However, most of them are concentrated in big cities and villages. Many regional towns and villages are deprived of such possibilities because of dilapidated or eliminated infrastructures.
Currently there are a number of community infrastructural development projects, subsidized by the government that are focused on renovation of Houses of Cultures and turning them into multifunctional cultural centres, able to provide out-of-school cultural education to children and adults.
Also, the cultural project of revitalization of Community Cultural Centres is implemented by the “My Step” foundation in order to decentralize culture and overcome the professional gap between the capital and regions. The project envisaged the components of renovation, training and capacity building for 9 regional cultural centres. The programme was due to finish[1].
[1] https://old.mystep.foundation/en/news/3053/
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