Language laws
The Albanian government officially recognized the Albanian Sign Language in 2012 by the Council of Ministers Decision Nr. 837, based on article 102 of the Constitution and Law Nr. 69/2012 “On Pre-university Education in the Republic of Albania”, where article 63 stipulates: “People who do not hear and speak are entitled to the right of communication in sign language.”
Law Nr. 96/2017 “On the Protection of National Minorities145” including article 13 on “The Right to Education in the Language of the Minority”.
Constitution of the Republic of Albania:
- Article 14 states that “The official language in the Republic of Albania is Albanian”.
- Article 20, point 2 states ‘They (persons) have the right to freely express, without prohibition or compulsion, their ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic belonging. They have the right to preserve and develop it, to study and to be taught in their mother tongue, as well as unite in organizations and associations for the protection of their interests and identity’.
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