After successfully concluding our conference on the Right to Culture in collaboration with Arts Council Malta earlier this month, we have updated our website section “Our Assemblies & Conferences” with material from the event.

EU Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli
During the first day of the conference, EU Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli gave enlighting opening remarks, followed by a keynote speech from Dr. Karima Bennoune framing the importance of the Right to Culture, which is linked below.
The conference then continued with three panel discussions about Artistic Freedom, Cultural Diversity & Accessibility, and Cultural Democracy. The panels consisted of cultural policy experts, artists, and delegates from the Compendium and the Arts Council (see conference programme below). We are currently preparing to publish a follow up post on the topic of each panel with the help of our panel participants to keep the discussion about these important topics going. During the conference German artist Johanna Benz was drawing graphic recordings in real time about the conference content, which you can find below.
The conference was followed by the annual Assembly of the Compendium Association and Assembly of Compendium Experts on October 6th. In the aftermovie below you can get an impression of the Compendium’s work and what has been discussed during the Assembly. On the third day, Arts Council Malta hosted the 2nd edition of the State of the Arts – Malta National Symposium.
Click the following links to get access to the conference material:
- Conference programme
- Cultural policy project presentations
- Pictures
- Keynote speech (Dr. Karima Bennoune)
- Graphic Recordings by Johanna Benz
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