Current policy
Van Engelshoven, Ingrid. Uitgangspunten cultuurbeleid 2021-2014. The Hague, Ministry of Education, Cultur and Science, 2019.
Van Engelshoven, Ingrid. Culture in an open society. The Hague, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2018. [Vision statement 2021-2024]
International cultural policy 2021-2014. The Hague, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2019.
Bína, Vladimír et al.: Netherlands EGMUS country-report update 2013. The Hague, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Broek, van der, Andries: The Netherlands: Nation of Art-lovers? [Kunstminnend Nederland. Interesse en bezoek, drempels en ervaringen]. The Hague: Social and cultural Planning Office, 2013.
Bussemaker, Jet: Culture Moves. The meaning of Culture in a changing society [Cultuur Beweegt: De Betekenis van cultuur in een veranderende samenleving]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Bussemaker, Jet: Hoofdlijnenbrief emancipatiebeleid 2013-2016 [Emancipation policy outline 2013-2016]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Bussemaker, Jet: Kamerbrief Cultuurstelsel 2017-2020 [The Cultural Infrastructure 2017-2020]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Bussemaker, Jet: Strength through Cooperation [Samen Werken, Samen Sterker]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Council for Culture: Recommendation for cuts to the culture budget 2013-2016: Necessary choices [Advies bezuinigingen voor de Cultuur 2013-2016: Noodgedwongen keuzen]. The Hague: Council for Culture, 2011.
Council for Culture: Succeeding in culture [Slagen in Cultuur: De culturele basisinfrastructuur 2013-2016]. The Hague: Council for Culture, 2011.
Dekker, Sander: Action plan for a foresight study of the public media system [Toekomstverkenning mediabeleid]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Douw & Koren: Crowdfunding groeit explosief: 14 miljoen euro opgehaald in 2012 [Explosive growth of crowdfunding: 14 million EUR collected in 2012]., 2013.
DSP-group: Bezuinigingen van gemeentes en provincies op kunst en cultuur [Municipal and provincial budget cuts on culture]. Amsterdam: 2011.
ESS-net CULTURE: European Statistical System on Network on Culture: Final Report. Luxembourg, 2012.
Hagenaars, Piet & Hoorn, van, Marjo: Cultuureducatie met kwaliteit 2013-2016 [Culture education with quality 2013-2016] in: Kunstzone 6. Almelo: 2013.
Heimans, Hans et al.: Ruimte voor Amateurkunst. Voorzieningen voor kunstbeoefening 2013 [Research on facilities for the amateur arts].Utrecht: LKCA 2013.
Kunstfactor: Onderzoek vrijwilligers in de amateurkunst [Research on volunteers in the amateur arts sector]. Utrecht: Kunstfactor, 2013.
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science: Cultuur in Beeld 2013 [Picturing Culture 2013]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science: The Dutch Cultural System [Het Nederlands Cultureel Bestel]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2013.
Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment & Ministry of Education, Culture and Science: Choosing for Character [Kiezen voor karakter, Visie erfgoed en ruimte]. The Hague: 2011.
The Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences: Focus op Toptalent, sectorplan hbo kunstonderwijs 2012-2016 [Focus on top talent]. The Hague: Vereniging Hogescholen 2011.
Plasterk, Ronald: Art for Life’s Sake: Dutch cultural policy outline [Kunst van Leven: Hoofdlijnen cultuurbeleid]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2007.
Plasterk, Ronald et al.: Administrative Agreement on Frisian Language and Culture 2013-2018 [Bestuursovereenkomst Friese taal en cultuur 2013-2018]. The Hague: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, 2013.
Rosenthal, Uri & Zijlstra, Halbe: Kamerbrief met visie op internationaal cultuurbeleid [Policy letter on international cultural policy]. The Hague: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2012.
Schuyt, Theo & Bekkers, René: Geven in Nederland 2013 [Philantropy in the Netherlands 2013] in: Cultuur in Beeld 2013. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science 2013.
Smithuijsen, Cas: Cultuur en Beleid in Nederland [Culture and Policy in the Netherlands] in: Handboek Cultuurbeleid. Amsterdam: Reed Business, 2013.
SPOT: Alles over tijd: Tijdsbestedingsonderzoek 2012 [Pastime research 2012] . Amstelveen: SPOT, 2012.
Vinkenburg, Bastiaan: Trendbreuk in rijksuitgaven kunst en cultuur [Trend breaks in public cultural expenditure] in: Boekman 95. Amsterdam: Boekmanfoundation, 2013.
Vinkenburg, Bastiaan: Directe subsidies voor kunsten, erfgoed en media [Subsidies for the arts, cultural heritage and media] in: Boekman 97.Amsterdam: Boekmanfoundation, 2013.
Zijlstra, Halbe: More than Quality; A new vision on cultural policy [Meer dan Kwaliteit; Een nieuwe visie op cultuurbeleid]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2011.
Zijlstra, Halbe et al.: General Framework for intergovernmental relations with respect to culture [Algemeen kader interbestuurlijke verhoudingen cultuur OCW, IPO, VNG]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2012.
Zijlstra, Halbe: Cultural Entrepreneurship Programme (2012-2016) [Kamerbrief over programma ondernemerschap cultuur]. The Hague: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2012.
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