In general, more than 100 normative acts (laws, presidential decrees, governmental resolutions, and ministerial orders) form the legislative sphere of cultural heritage. At the same time, considering the development of the legislative base in other areas, it’s necessary to adjust some of the provisions of the laws on protection of cultural heritage matching modern challenges.
According to the Budget code of Ukraine (2002), the different government levels can finance objects which are under their direct control (in other words, which have local, regional or national significance), which reflects, besides other matters, their level of responsibility. The policy of decentralisation which is realised in Ukraine since 2014, gives new possibilities for local governments but, at the same time, puts more responsibilities on them in various spheres, particularly, cultural heritage preservation and promotion. The Law of Ukraine On Principles of the State Regional Policy (2015) establishes the main legal, economic, social, ecological, humanitarian and organisation principles of the state regional policy as an integral part of the internal and economic policy of Ukraine.
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