The Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities (CRPD) ensures that persons with disabilities enjoy all human rights and participate in public, economic and social life. It does not contain any special rights but defines universal human rights from the perspective of persons with disabilities. The aim is to promote equal opportunities for persons with disabilities and to prevent discrimination against them in society. Switzerland agreed on this Convention in 2014.
Under Swiss legislation, the Confederation “shall take account of the special need of children and young people to receive encouragement and protection” (Art. 68).
The Federal Office for Disability Equality (FODE) is responsible for Switzerland’s country reports on the implementation of its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Switzerland remains one of the countries with the highest education and employment rates for people with disabilities, even if the equality ensured by the Constitution is still far from reality.
Future measures in line of the recently adopted Marrakesh Treaty are the most recent step taken by Switzerland. This treaty aims to facilitate access to published works for persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled.
Pro Infirmis’ Kultur inklusiv has an important role as a centre of competence for inclusive culture in Switzerland. Its “Kultur Inklusiv” label is awarded to cultural institutions that are committed to promoting the holistic inclusion of people with disabilities as creators of culture, as audiences and as employees. Started as a pilot project in the canton of Bern in mid-2014, more than 90 cultural institutions throughout Switzerland are now registered as label partners (from 2021).
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