- Public culture expenditure, all levels of government, per capita in 2022: 35,438 SEK, 3,34 euro.
- Public culture expenditure in percentage of the GDP, in 2022: 0.60 percent.
- Public culture expenditure in percentage of the total public expenditure in 2022: 1.40 percent.
There has been a noticeable trend of regional governments increasing their part of total government spending on culture while the municipal part is decreasing. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the national budgets for arts and culture increased further in the last two years. The national budget for 2024 (prop. 2023/24:1), is noticeably more restrained and will mean a removal of many of the increases implemented during the pandemic, as well as more severe cuts in some cases, noticeably with regards to funding for study associations (studieförbund, see 6.4).
Of the 16.7 billion SEK national government expenditure on culture, media, religious denominations, and leisure (as defined in the national budget) budgeted for 2024, 4.2 billion SEK went to popular adult education (folkbildning), including study association, 1.7 billion SEK to regional cultural activities, 1.9 billion SEK to museums and exhibitions and 1.5 billion SEK to theatre, music and dance. Public spending on culture varies a great deal between different parts of the country, both because different municipalities and regional governments spend different amounts and because the national government’s cultural budget is spent unevenly in relation to different parts of the country. Priorities within cultural policy may also differ between different levels of government.
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