The most common tools for providing support to artists and creators in Spain are prizes and grants. At the national level, the main body responsible for these awards is the current Ministry of Culture and Sport.
The website of the Ministry of Culture and Sport includes a section with information about the latest calls for scholarships, grants and subsidies made by the directorates and agencies of the Ministry. There are also various online media that contain extensive information on scholarships and awards for artists, such as the portals Masdearte, Arteinformado, El Cultural or Fábrica Cultural.
The Culture Plan 2020 (2017)incorporates, as a specific strategy to promote artistic activity, the modernisation of prizes awarded by the Ministry. Specifically, it points to the reform of the legal framework and to its system of dissemination, as well as the integration of co-official languages in the “National Translation Award”.
At present, the Ministry is responsible for: “National Awards” (e.g. Fine Arts, Film and Audiovisual, Books Reading and Writing, Performing Arts and Music, Historic Heritage, Cultural Industries and Bullfighting) aimed at recognising the work of Spanish artists for a year; “Gold Medals for Merit in Fine Arts” in recognition of an outstanding professional career; the “Order of Arts and Letters” in recognition of those who contribute substantially to the international dissemination of Spanish culture; the prestigious “Miguel de Cervantes Award” for literature in the Castilian Language is granted to a Spanish or Latin American writer whose work has contributed to the notable enrichment of the literary heritage of the Spanish language; and the “Velázquez Visual Arts Prize” that awards institutional recognition to a creator whose work stands out and holds special significance in the field of visual arts. In addition to these, the State Secretariat for Culture awards other prizes in the areas of Promotion of Art, Books, Reading and Letters and Performing Arts and Music.
Regarding scholarships, in addition to the traditional ones aimed at broadening professional experience, the Ministry of Culture joined the Halma Network in 2010. This network consists of European literary institutions that helps to connect European cultural and literary scenes. With the aim of spreading Spanish Literature abroad and supporting Spanish writers, the Ministry provides a residency of two-months in European literary centres to Spanish writers.
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