Table 11: State cultural expenditure in Serbia: by sector, 2008
Field / Domain / Sub-domain | TOTAL | |
In EUR | In % | |
I. Cultural Heritage | 63 144 000 | 29% |
Historical Monuments | ||
Museums | ||
Archives | ||
Libraries | ||
Intangible Heritage / Folk Culture | ||
II. Visual Arts | 11 939 000 | 5.5% |
FineArts / Plastic Arts | ||
Photography | ||
Architecture | ||
Design / Applied Arts | ||
III. Performing Arts | 22 899 000 | 10.5% |
Music | ||
Theatre, Music Theatre, Dance | ||
Multidisciplinary | ||
IV. Books and Press | 26 179 000 | 12.6% |
Books | ||
Press | ||
V. Audiovisual and Multimedia | 32 046 000 | 14.4% |
Cinema | ||
Television | ||
Sound recordings | ||
Radio | ||
Multimedia | ||
VI. Interdisciplinary | 60 793 000 | 28% |
Socio-culture | ||
Cultural Relations Abroad | ||
Administration | ||
Cultural Education | ||
VII. Not covered by domain I-VI | ||
TOTAL | 217 000 000 | 100% |
Source: Office for Statistics of the Republic of Serbia, 2010; Law on Budgets, Serbia, AP Vojvodina 2008; Serbian Business Registers Agency (financial reports 2009); Decision on competitions, Ministry of Culture of Republic of Serbia 2008.
The present statistical and government statistical system does not provide precise data concerning the sectoral structure of financing culture. The government statistical system is based on GFS methodology, which recognises a very basic structure of cultural expenses (media and publishing enterprises, other cultural expenses). From the other side, the Republic Statistical Office (RSO) stopped statistical collecting in the field of social activities (which was collecting data on culture), and started collecting statistics on budgetary users, but at a low classification level (1 or 2 digit). Also, RSO use a restricted definition of budgetary users, which means that almost 50% of budgetary users are not included in statistical reporting. At the moment, there is no state programme for improvement of cultural statistics. Some initiatives and activates come from the Institute for Cultural Development (such us e-culture, local cultural policy), but those initiatives and activities are based on statistical methodology which are in question (empirical classification and categories), and which are not comparable in the long-term or with international standards.
In 2012, the Task Force for Development of Creative Industries organised a Regional Seminar on Cultural Diversity, Public Policy and Cultural Industries with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, with the topic of improving cultural statistics. . The seminar was dedicated to disseminate knowledge about cultural statistics, new measures on economic contribution of cultural industries and indicators for evaluating public policies in the field of cultural diversity.
In fifteen biggest cities in Serbia average programme part of the budget represents 21% budget for culture, except the programme budget of the city Novi Sad that is much higher.
Structure of the budget for culture in 2017 in 15 Serbian cities
City | Salaries | Material expenses | Programmes and projects |
Vranje | 45% | 39% | 16% |
Novi Sad | 29,93% | 8,95% | 61,12% |
Zaječar | 52.47% | 28.90% | 18.63% |
Zrenjanin | 55,9% | 26,7% | 17,4% |
Kragujevac | 57,31% | 20,83% | 21,86% |
Kraljevo | 60,29% | 20,56% | 14,15% |
Kruševac | 58,33% | 26,12% | 15,55% |
Leskovac | 60% | 10% | 30% |
Niš | 66,59% | 3,43% | 29,98% |
Pančevo | 51,76% | 31,78% | 16,46% |
Smederevo | 34,27% | 35,60% | 30,13% |
Sombor | 49,05% | 26,93% | 24,02% |
Subotica | 40,75% | 44,62% | 14,63% |
Čačak | 67% | 15% | 18% |
Užice | 65,48% | 22,86% | 11,66% |
Overview of the types of public calls for culture in 2017
City | Form of support | Share of the call in cultural budget | Number of supported projects | Average grant per project |
Novi Sad | Call for projects in culture | 0,53% | 351 | 386,794.87 |
Kragujevac | Call for projects in culture | 10,7% | 58 | 676,485.26 |
Суботица | Call for projects in culture | 8,44% | 155 | 207,741.94 |
Зрењанин | Call for NGOs and amateur associations | 3,0% | 64 | 159,590.38 |
Лесковац | Call for projects in culture | 3% | 38 | 236,842.11 |
Панчево | Call for projects in culture | 2,72% | 51 | 138,333.33 |
Сомбор | In 2017 call for NGOs and amateur associations. In 2018 call for projects in culture | 2,99% | 48 | 125,000.00 |
Ниш | Call for projects in culture | 0,99% | 26 | 196,115.38 |
Врање | Call for projects in culture | 1,64% | 42 | 83,333.33 |
Смедерево | Call for projects in culture | 1,30% | 21 | 142,857.14 |
Чачак | General call for NGOs with a programme line for culture | 1,4% | 17 | 175,689.41 |
Краљево | General call for NGOs with a programme line for culture | 1,2% | 26 | 96,923.08 |
Крушевац | Call for projects in culture | 1,3% | 39 | 58,974.36 |
Зајечар | General call for NGOs with a programme line for culture | 0,61% | 9 | 177,777.78 |
Ужице | Call for publishing projects; call for NGOs with a programme line for youth and culture; since 2018 call for music manifestations | 0,2% | 10 | 37,000.00 |
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