In 2019, public expenditure on culture and national heritage protection constituted 0.52% of the Gross Domestic Product in Poland (the percentage as the two past consecutive years 2017-2018). At the same time, it should be noticed that the share of the total state budget allocated to culture and national heritage protection decreased from 0.89% in 2017 to 0.59% in 2018, but slightly increased in 2019 to 0,61%, while the expenditure of local governments’ entities in this area in relation to the total local governments’ expenditure increased from 2.84% to 3.33%.
If not indicated otherwise, all the data has been retrieved from the Polish Central Statistical Office publications and follows their classification. All omissions are deliberate and due to lack of data provided by the CSO.
Public expenditure on culture per capita by the level of governance in EUR, 2006-2019
Year | State* | Local authorities | TOTAL public expenditure per capita | Average exchange rate** |
2019 | 15.41 | 58.19 | 73.60 | 1 EUR = 4,2980 PLN |
2018 | 13.82 | 56.25 | 70.07 | 1 EUR = 4,2623 PLN |
2017 | 20.37 | 45.28 | 65.65 | 1EUR = 4,2576 PLN |
2016 | 15.42 | 39.78 | 55.20 | 1 EUR = 4.3625 PLN |
2015 | 12.21 | 43.03 | 55.24 | 1 EUR = 4.1839 PLN |
2014 | 10.80 | 47.95 | 58.75 | 1 EUR = 4.1852 PLN |
2013 | 10.23 | 43.13 | 53.36 | 1 EUR = 4.1472 PLN |
2012 | 10.89 | 43.46 | 54.35 | 1 EUR = 4.0882 PLN |
2011 | 9.49 | 42.92 | 52.41 | 1 EUR = 4.1198 PLN |
2010 | 9.58 | 46.33 | 55.91 | 1 EUR = 3.9603 PLN |
2009 | 10.11 | 40.55 | 50.66 | 1 EUR = 4.1082 PLN |
2008 | 9.34 | 34.00 | 43.34 | 1 EUR = 4.1724 PLN |
2007 | 9.59 | 34.64 | 44.23 | 1 EUR = 3.5820 PLN |
2006 | n.a. | n.a. | 36.65 | 1 EUR = 3.8312 PLN |
Own calculations based on data provided by Central Statistical Office
* State expenditure refers to the funding provided by central government; local authorities expenditure refers to the funding provided by local and regional governments; public expenditure refers to the total amount of both, state and local governments expenditure.
** Given by the National Bank of Poland.
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