The following Acts provide the legal bases which enable the Minister of Culture to provide subventions for cultural institutions (of which the Ministry is the founding body) and to provide project funding outside the public sector:
- the Act on Organising and Conducting Cultural Activity of 25 October, 1991 (OJ 110, p.721 with later amendments and annexes); and
- the Act on Public Finances of 26 November, 1998.
The following laws enable local governments to grant aid for state administration tasks (financial aid is granted on the basis of an agreement between the Minister of Culture and the local administration units):
- the Act on the change of some Laws defining the competencies of the national administration bodies of 21 January 2000; and
- the Act on the establishment of tasks in the field of culture which are covered by state‘s patronage of 9 May 2000.
Tenders in the field of culture do not fall under strict procedural rules specified in the Act on Public Tendering. Tenders can be granted through any procedure without the need of agreement from the Head of the Public Tender Office. Article 71 of the Act allows granting a public tender freely for creative and artistic activities in the field of art and culture and in the case of issues linked with protection of exclusive laws consequential to separate regulations. Cultural institutions are, however, bound by the Act on Public Tendering through regulations concerning issues such as:
- the obligation to announce tenders;
- announcement of the outcome of proceedings or in the case of granting a tender freely, announcement of contracting the agreement;
- the obligation to treat all applying subjects equally;
- rules of specifying the subject of the tender;
- exclusion from applying;
- acting as a representative of the tendering party; and
- appointing tender commissions, etc.
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