In the field of cinema, the new Cinematography Act (2005) was a very important step forward. Under this Act, the Polish Film Institute, which acts de facto as a non-departmental public body, was created.
The Polish Film Institute is the newest film institute in Europe. It is responsible directly to the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. The Institute’s board is appointed by the Minister and comprises eleven people chosen from the film community. The Institute’s tasks, as specified in the Act on Cinematography, are among others: to create conditions for the development of Polish film production and international co-production; to inspire and support the development of all types of Polish film creativity, in particular artistic films, including the development of film projects and the production and distribution of such films; to support film debuts and the artistic development of young filmmakers; to subsidise enterprises in developing film projects, film production, distribution and dissemination of films, and in providing assistance and expert services to public administration and to support the upkeep of film archives. At least 60% of the budget of the Institute is allocated for film production.
As stated on their website: “Film Commission Poland is a non-profit organisation established in 2012 in order both to improve recognition of Poland and its regions as film locations and to put the potential of the Polish audiovisual sector to effective use. Its primary purpose is threefold: to coordinate the work of national and regional entities in attracting foreign film productions to Poland; to ensure a cohesive promotion of the audiovisual potential abroad; and to provide support for foreign productions made in the country.”
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