At the state level, the decision-making apparatus is relatively complex. Considerable authority is centred in the political and administrative body of the Parliament, the government and the ministries. Formally, the main framework of cultural policy is determined by the Storting (the parliament), while the Ministry of Culture prepares documents for the Storting. All legal, financial, organisational and information means are applied in order to achieve political goals. However, the national budget is the most important instrument, with the Ministry of Culture maintaining the responsibility for a total budget of approximately NOK 12,5 billion (2019). The Ministry also administers gaming profits from Norsk Tipping AS, which are allocated to culture (18%), sports (64%) and other humanitarian purposes (18%). The total profit in 2019 was NOK 5,7 billion.
Other Ministries concerned with cultural affairs are the Ministry of Climate and Environment, which is responsible for cultural heritage (except museums, archives and libraries) and cultural environments. The Ministry of Education and Research is responsible for education, including artists’ education, as well as music and culture schools for children. The Ministry of Education and Research is also responsible for academic libraries and university museums.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been given the responsibility for the presentation of Norwegian arts and culture abroad, including exchange projects with developing countries. Other ministries are also relevant to cultural policy, but play a more modest role. The Ministry of Finance plays a coordinating role in the budgetary process. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries has the responsibility for governing all types of business in Norway, including a role in the development of the various culture industries
A considerable amount of authority is also delegated to arm’s length institutions and expert bodies. Arts Council Norway is formally administered and financed by the Ministry of Culture, but it retains a largely independent position and is therefore characterised as an arm’s length institution. Each year, the Storting provides an overall allocation to the Cultural Fund, which is administered by Arts Council Norway as one of its principal tasks (10 % of the state budget for culture).
In addition, the Arts Council acts in an advisory capacity to the central government and public sector on cultural affairs, as well as organising experimental cultural activities in areas which the Council considers to be of particular interest. In e.g. museum affairs, Arts Council holds a responsibility for the development of museums involving allocating special grants for projects of museum development even though museums are directly funded by the Ministry of Culture. The advisory tasks of the Arts Council will be separated from the funding tasks in a separate department named Kulturdirektoratet (Directorate for Culture) from 2023
The National Library of Norway holds a similar position as an advisory body in the library field.
The Norwegian Film Fund is responsible for administering national support for film production in Norway. According to its statutes, the Film Fund shall also advise the Ministry for Cultural on film policy.
Other expert bodies such as The Language Council of Norway, KORO – Public Art Norway and The Norwegian Media Authority hold administrative, advisory, coordinative and development responsibilities in their own fields.
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