One of the key targets for the new Government in social politics is to bring the poverty rate down to below 16% (the poverty rate was 21.9% in 2016), with a special emphasis on children poverty.
Other future priority social measures and activities are:
- The concept “Local community cares” (for people with disabilities);
- The family care;
- Functional institutional network for the social protection of older people, centres for disabled people, day care centres etc.;
- Legal changes in the use of social apartments (for families with low incomes, young couples, disabled persons etc.);
- Increase of 50% in the financial help for disabled people during the Government’s mandate, etc.
There are special measures and activities for children and young people as well.
There are no governmental measures in the field of culture but special measures for culture inclusion were provided via the new National Strategy for Cultural Development 2018-2022 (cultural rights, freedom and multiplicity of cultural identity, accessibility in cultural processes, inclusion of marginalized groups etc.) but so far nothing has been put into practice.
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