The education of artists and experts takes place within the framework of the secondary and higher education institutions in the country, that fall within the departmental competence of the Ministry of Education and Science. The Ministry of Culture does not participate in the preparation of the curricula and in the establishment of the network of educational institutions. However, within the framework of inter-departmental co-operation, it can influence educational policy, from the point of view of culture.
The Strategy for Education 2018-2022 as a strategy document in the educational field is mainly directed at the:
- Quality of education and its relevance to the development priorities of society;
- Development of the generic and key competences of the students as critical subjects and active and relevant participants in social life;
- Infrastructure of the educational system;
- Human resources capacities;
- Autonomy of the educational institutions, especially universities, as well as the subjects of the educational process, etc.
On the other hand, cultural education is one of the key points of the National Strategy for Cultural Development 2018-2022. It projects closer cooperation and coordination between the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education and Science on the student quotas for certain important cultural study programmes, specific student programmes for underdeveloped professions (for example studies on conservation and restoration) in the cultural field etc.
In order to make up for a deficiency of artists and experts in the field of culture, the Ministry of Culture awards scholarships for post-graduate professional development of young and talented artists, for regular academic education, as well as for studies abroad in fields where there are a lack of possibilities to undertake the same programmes in North Macedonia.
(See also chapter 2.5.1. about religious education)
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