The UN research “E-Government Survey 2014: E-Government for the Future We Want” (2014) stated that Macedonia was in last place in all segments of the analysis: the lowest index on e-government in the region, the lowest percentage of electronic services for the population, the lowest percentage of citizen’s contribution in the decisions of the local and central authorities etc.
That is why one of the goals of the new democratic Government (2017) was to develop the IT sector and to foster communication between citizens and the state administration. One of the priorities is to create electronic registers for all Government electronic services for citizens. The Government will also prepare a long-term national strategy for development of the informatics society, it will support the formation of research units in the business sector for efficient transfer of modern technologies and it will reduce the tax on IT technology to 5% etc.
However, it is still very difficult to communicate with the Government and the ministries through e-mail. The Ministry of culture does not support digital applications in its Annual contest (although the City of Skopje does), etc.
On the other hand, according to the data of the State Statistical Office, in the first quarter of 2020, 79.9% of households had access to the Internet. The participation of households with broadband connection in the total number of households was 87.8% in 2020. In the first quarter of 2020, 81.4% of the total population aged 15-74 used the Internet, and 70.9% used the Internet every day or almost every day.
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