Cultural policy framework
The Grand Ducal Decree of 5 December 2018 on the constitution of the Ministries defines the attributions falling within the competence of the Ministry of Culture.
“The cultural policy as well as its implementation are based on the 62 recommendations of the cultural development plan 2018-2028 on the one hand, and the coalition agreement 2018-2023 on the other.”
Funding and sponsorship
Draft law on the State revenue and expenditure budget for the year 2022
Draft law on multi-annual financial programming for the period 2021-2025
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 2 September 2015 amending the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 4 June 2004 laying down the conditions, criteria and procedures for approval by the Steering Committee of the National Cultural Fund of activities for which it may receive cash donations
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 4 June 2004 laying down the conditions, criteria and procedures for approval by the Steering Committee of the National Cultural Fund of activities for which it may receive cash donations
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 9 January 1985 concerning the control by the Chamber of Auditors on the financial management of the National Cultural Fund with regard to the material regularity of the operations
Rectification of the law of 4 March 1982
Law of 4 March 1982
Artistic design
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 2 September 2015 determining the percentage of the overall cost of a building, realised by the State or by municipalities or public establishments, financed or subsidised for a significant part by the State, to be allocated to the acquisition of artistic works, the methods of assessment and execution of the provisions relating to public orders provided for by the law of 19 December 2014 relating to 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent entertainers 2) the promotion of artistic creation, as well as the composition, missions and operation of the artistic development commission established by the same law.
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 19 December 2014 amending the amended Grand-Ducal Regulation of 26 September 2003 determining the percentage of the overall cost of a building, realised by the State or by the municipalities or public establishments, financed or subsidised for a significant part by the State, to be allocated to the acquisition of artistic works as well as the modalities of assessment and execution of the provisions relating to public commissions provided for by the law of 30 July 1999 concerning a) the status of the independent professional artist and the intermittent entertainer b) the promotion of artistic creation.
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 22 June 2011 amending the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 26 September 2003 determining the percentage of the total cost of a building, realised by the State or by the municipalities or public establishments, financed or subsidised for a significant part by the State, to be allocated to the acquisition of artistic works as well as the modalities of assessment and execution of the provisions relating to public commissions provided for by the law of 30 July 1999 concerning
a. the status of the independent professional artist and the intermittent entertainer ;
b. the promotion of artistic creation
Act of 26 May 2004 amending: 1. the Act of 30 July 1999 concerning a. the status of the self-employed professional artist and the intermittent entertainer; b. the promotion of artistic creation 2. the amended Act of 24 May 1989 on the employment contract
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 26 September 2003 determining the percentage of the total cost of a building, realised by the State or by the municipalities or public establishments financed or subsidised for a significant part by the State, to be allocated to the acquisition of artistic works as well as the modalities of assessment and execution of the provisions relating to public orders provided for by the law of 30 July 1999 concerning a. the status of the independent professional artist and the intermittent of the spectacle; b. the promotion of the artistic creation
Law of 30 July 1999 concerning a. the status of the independent professional artist and the intermittent performer; b. the promotion of artistic creation.
Social measures for self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers
Draft law amending the amended law of 19 December 2014 on 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation
Act of 7 December 2016 amending I. the Act 1. on social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2. on the promotion of artistic creation, and II. the Labour Code
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 2 September 2015 laying down the procedures for issuing and keeping the work booklet of intermittent workers in the entertainment industry
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 2 September 2015 laying down the content of the file to be attached to the application for social assistance for self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers
Grand-Ducal regulation of 2 September 2015 determining the mission, composition and functioning of the advisory commission concerning a) applications for social aid for self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers b) applications for a grant for artistic creation, improvement and retraining
Law of 19 December 2014 on
1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers
2) the promotion of artistic creation
Commissions, councils, institutes
Grand-Ducal Decree of 15 October 2010 appointing the members of the High Council for Public Libraries
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 5 February 2007 determining the organisation of the Permanent Council for the Luxembourg Language
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 29 July 1999 creating the Permanent Council for the Luxembourg Language; in: Mémorial A n° 107 (1999), p. 2016
Ministerial Regulation of 15 January 1998 establishing the National Book Council (CNLi); in: Mémorial No. 9 (1998), pp. 153-155
Ministerial Regulation of 5 January 1998 creating the Permanent Council for the Luxembourg Language
Ministerial Regulation of 29 May 1986 on the reorganisation of the National Council for Culture; in: Mémorial A No. 49 (1986), pp. 1534-1536
Ministerial Decree of 17 November 1980 creating the National Council for Culture, replacing the Permanent Council for Cultural Activities
Ministerial Regulation of 20 March 1975 establishing a Permanent Council for Cultural Activities
Grand-Ducal Decree of 22 July 1949 establishing a National Commission for Cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
Grand-Ducal Royal Decree of 24 October 1868 approving the regulations for the Institut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg
Artistic creation and artists
Bill to amend :
1° of the amended law of 3 April 2020 relating to the implementation of an aid scheme for companies in temporary financial difficulty and amending the amended law of 19 December 2014 relating to 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent entertainers 2) the promotion of artistic creation;
2° of the amended law of 18 April 2020 aimed at setting up a guarantee scheme for the Luxembourg economy in the context of the Covid pandemic-19 ;
3° of the amended Act of 24 July 2020 on stimulating business investment in the age of Covid-19 ;
4° of the amended law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 30 April 2021 amending the amended Grand-Ducal Regulation of 3 April 2020 implementing articles 5, 6 and 8 of the amended law of 19 December 2014 relating to 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 25 February 2021 amending the amended Grand-Ducal Regulation of 3 April 2020 implementing Articles 5, 6 and 8 of the amended law of 19 December 2014 relating to 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation.
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 3 April 2020 implementing articles 5, 6 and 8 of the amended law of 19 December 2014 relating to 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation
Act of 3 April 2020 on the introduction of an aid scheme for companies in temporary financial difficulty and amending the amended Act of 19 December 2014 on 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 19 December 2020 amending the amended Grand-Ducal Regulation of 3 April 2020 implementing articles 5, 6 and 8 of the amended law of 19 December 2014 on 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 24 November 2020 amending the amended Grand-Ducal Regulation of 3 April 2020 implementing articles 5, 6 and 8 of the amended law of 19 December 2014 relating to 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 5 August 2020 on the payment of advances in the framework of the recovery plan for culture and artistic creativity linked to the Covid-19 pandemic
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 18 June 2020 amending the amended Grand-Ducal Regulation of 3 April 2020 implementing Articles 5, 6 and 8 of the amended law of 19 December 2014 relating to 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation.
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 20 May 2020 amending the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 3 April 2020 implementing articles 5, 6 and 8 of the amended law of 19 December 2014 relating to 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 3 April 2020 implementing Articles 5, 6 and 8 of the amended law of 19 December 2014 relating to 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation.
Act of 3 April 2020 on the introduction of an aid scheme for companies in temporary financial difficulty and amending the amended Act of 19 December 2014 on 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation
Act of 7 December 2016 amending
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 2 September 2015 laying down the procedures for issuing and keeping the work booklet of intermittent workers in the entertainment industry
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 2 September 2015 laying down the content of the file to be attached to the application for social assistance for self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 2 September 2015 determining the percentage of the overall cost of a building, realised by the State or by municipalities or public establishments, financed or subsidised for a significant part by the State, to be allocated to the acquisition of artistic works, the methods of assessment and execution of the provisions relating to public orders provided for by the law of 19 December 2014 relating to 1) social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent entertainers 2) the promotion of artistic creation, as well as the composition, missions and operation of the artistic development commission established by the same law
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 2 September 2015 determining the procedures for applying for a grant to support artistic creation, development and retraining
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 2 September 2015 determining the mission, composition and functioning of the advisory commission concerning a) applications for social assistance for self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers b) applications for a grant for artistic creation, improvement and retraining
Law of 19 December 2014 on
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 22 June 2011 amending the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 26 September 2003 determining the percentage of the total cost of a building, realised by the State or by the municipalities or public establishments, financed or subsidised for a significant part by the State, to be allocated to the acquisition of artistic works as well as the methods of assessment and execution of the provisions relating to public commissions provided for by the law of 30 July 1999 concerning a) the status of the independent professional artist and the intermittent entertainer b) the promotion of artistic creation
Act of 26 May 2004 amending 1. the Act of 30 July 1999 concerning: a. the status of the self-employed professional artist and the intermittent entertainer; b. the promotion of artistic creation; 2. the amended Act of 24 May 1989 on the employment contract
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 21 February 2000 laying down the procedures for issuing and keeping the work booklet of the intermittent entertainer as provided for by the law of 30 July 1999 concerning a. the status of the self-employed professional artist and the intermittent entertainer; b. the promotion of artistic creation
Law of 30 July 1999 concerning a. the status of the independent professional artist and the intermittent performer; b. the promotion of artistic creation
Ministerial Regulation of 8 January 1990 on support for artistic creation
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 15 January 2016 establishing the sources to be consulted by beneficiary organisations for the determination of orphan work status
Law of 3 December 2015 on certain authorised uses of orphan works
Act of 10 February 2015 transposing Directive 2011/77/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2011 amending Directive 2006/116/EC on the term of protection of copyright and certain related rights and amending the amended Act of 18 April 2001 on copyright, related rights and databases
World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty and Common Declarations concerning the WIPO Copyright Treaty, adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on Certain Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Questions on 20 December 1996. World Intellectual Property Organization Performances and Phonograms Treaty and Joint Declarations concerning the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on Certain Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Questions on December 20, 1996. Entry into force with respect to Luxembourg; list of bound States
Law of 22 May 2009 transposing Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights and designating Community design courts, and amending :
the amended law of 18 April 2001 on copyright, related rights and databases
the amended law of 20 July 1992 amending the system of patents for invention
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 8 January 2007 on equitable remuneration for public lending
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 16 March 2005 on the organisation of the Commission for Copyright and Related Rights
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 30 June 2004 on the management and distribution bodies for copyright and related rights
Law of 18 April 2004 amending :
The law of 18 April 2001 on copyright, related rights and databases, and
The amended law of 20 July 1992 amending the system of intervention patents
Law of 18 April 2001 on copyright, related rights and databases
Law of 14 January 2000 approving
the World Intellectual Property Organisation Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Copyright Treaty Joint Declarations
the World Intellectual Property Organization Performances and Phonograms Treaty and the Joint Declarations concerning the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
the Final Act of the Diplomatic Conference adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on Certain Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Questions on 20 December 1996
Cultural establishments linked to the Ministry of Culture
Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster Law of 24 July 2001 creating a public establishment called “Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster
Centre de Musiques Amplifiées (Rockhal) Act of 26 May 2004 creating a public establishment called “Centre de Musiques Amplifiées” (Rockhal)
National Cultural Fund (Focuna) Act of 4 March 1982 a) establishing a National Cultural Fund; b) amending and supplementing the fiscal provisions for the promotion of patronage and philanthropy
Fonds national de soutien à la production audiovisuelle (Fonspa) Law of 11 April 1990 creating a national fund to support audiovisual production
Musée d’art moderne Grand-Duc Jean Law of 28 April 1998 authorising the Government to set up a “Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean” Foundation and to grant it financial aid
Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte Concert Hall (Philharmonie) Act of 16 December 2011 on the reorganisation of the public establishment called “Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte Concert Hall” (Philharmonie) and of the Henri Pensis Foundation
State cultural institutes
Law of 25 June 2004 on the reorganisation of the State’s cultural institutes
Public libraries
Law of 24 June 2010 on public libraries and its implementing regulation of 4 July 2010
Legal deposit obligation for the National Library (NL) and the National Audiovisual Centre (NAC)
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 6 November 2009 on legal deposit
International cooperation
Act of 17 December 2014 approving the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
Grand-Ducal Regulation of 12 December 2014 establishing a National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO
Law of 13 December 2006 approving the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, done in Paris on 9 December 2005
Law of 23 December 2005 approving the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris on 17 October 2003
Law of 9 July 1983 approving the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, done at Paris on 23 November 1972
Council of Europe
Law of 24 April 2016 approving the Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe, opened for signature on 3 October 1985 in Granada.
Law of 7 December 2016 approving the European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage opened for signature in Valletta on 16 January 1992
Act of 12 March 2011 approving the Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, done at Faro on 27 October 2005
Law of 24 July 2006 approving the European Landscape Convention, opened for signature in Florence on 20 October 2000
Law of 8 April 2005 approving the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, done at Strasbourg on 5 November 1992
Law of 2 May 1996 approving the European Convention on Cinematographic Co-Production, done at Strasbourg on 2 October 1992
Law of 30 November 1971 approving the European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage, signed in London on 6 May 1969
Law of 16 June 1956 approving the European Cultural Convention, signed in Paris on 19 December 1954
European Union
Act of 27 November 2015 amending the amended Act of 9 January 1998 transposing Directive 93/7/EEC of 15 March 1993 on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State of the European Union; and transposing Directive 2014/60/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State and amending Regulation No 1024/2012 (EU) (recast).
Decision No 1194/2011/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 November 2011 establishing a European Union action for the European Heritage Label
Decision No 1622/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 2006 establishing a Community action for the European Capital of Culture event for the years 2007 to 2019
Law of 9 January 1998 transposing Directive 93/7/EEC of 15 March 1993 on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State of the European Union
Act of 13 June 1955 approving the Universal Copyright Convention, the Protocol 1 annexed thereto concerning the protection of the works of stateless persons and refugees, the Protocol 2 annexed thereto concerning the application of the Convention to works published by various international organisations and the Protocol 3 annexed thereto concerning the ratification, acceptance or conditional accession, signed at Geneva on 6 September 1952
Law of 19 November 1974 approving the Paris Act of 24 July 1971 of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
WIPO Copyright Treaty of 20 December 1996 and the Joint Declarations thereon adopted in Geneva and signed by Luxembourg on 18 February 1997
WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 20 December 1996 and the Joint Declarations thereon adopted in Geneva and signed by Luxembourg on 18 February 1997
Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society
Law of 22 May 2008 adapting domestic law to the provisions of the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, signed at The Hague on 26 March 1999
Law of 9 June 2005 approving the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, signed at The Hague on 26 March 1999
Law of 13 July 1961 approving the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, signed at The Hague on 14 May 1954
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