In Italy there is a number of initiatives to support the training and mobility of young artists. At State level, support comes mainly from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation through the Italian Cultural Institutes abroad and through the fund for the promotion of the Italian language.
In addition to what has already been mentioned in the previous sections (Italian Council), the main actions carried out by 2020 are outlined below.
Within the framework of the Fondo Unico per lo Spettacolo (FUS) managed by the General Directorate for the Performing Arts of the Ministry of Culture, a small share, equal to approximately 1% of the total allocation (approximately 3 million Euros in 2020) is programmed at a regional level, in agreement with the Regions, in favour of projects related to the establishment, promotion and development of the system of artists-in residences in order to favour processes of renewal of creativity and the national and international artistic confrontation through the mobility, in particular, of young artists.
The Ministry of Culture through other projects of a competitive nature and annual frequency promotes the mobility of young artists. Particular mention should be made of the Movin’up project, also relying on FUS resources (system actions), initiated in 1999 on the initiative of GAI, Associazione per il Circuito dei Giovani Artisti Italiani, and implemented since 2003 with the Ministry. Since 2018, the Ministry’s General Directorate for the Performing Arts has launched the 2018 and 2019 editions of the Boarding Pass call (edition 21-22 is currently underway). The resources available for the 2018 and 2019 calls, respectively 300,000 euros and 400,000 euros, have been significantly increased in the current edition with an allocation of over €1 million.
There have also been several editions of the Residency Prizes dedicated to young Italian creatives in the fields of art, architecture, design and curatorship. These prizes are awarded through competitive procedures to offer the possibility of an educational and artistic experience in major international venues (New York, Berlin, Moscow, Barcelona, China). The initiative, promoted jointly by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Cultural Institutions abroad, takes place annually and provides for the awarding of grants of varying amounts – between 2,000 and 4,000 euros per month depending on the place of residence.
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