Artists and other cultural actors can work in the following forms: as employees, individual entrepreneurs (sole traders), corporate entrepreneurs, as well as freelance workers.
Those employed in public cultural institutions were civil employees until the end of 2020. Their labour conditions were regulated by the acts on the civil service and on public finances. These contained the detailed schedules and criteria of salaries and wages – with many direct references to cultural and artistic jobs – updated each year.
Since January 2021, cultural workers of public cultural institutions are employed on the same footing as elsewhere. Everyone had to receive the same initial salary as in 2020, but the amount is less determined by law than before. The minimum monthly wage in 2021 is HUF 167 400 (about EUR 470), and 219 000 (about EUR 620) for qualified positions, with full secondary education. Gross average earning in the country is about twice this latter amount.
Social partnership functions relatively effectively on the national level but it is less so, or even non-existent, in respective cultural sub-sectors.
The provisions in the pensions system permit performers to retire early, e.g., dancers and some other performing artists under certain circumstances.
There are no specific provisions concerning the involvement of volunteers that are relevant to culture. Act LXXXVIII/2005 provides the necessary legal environment and protection for public voluntary work.
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