In 2020, 8 400 people started their training in a cultural occupation. Due to Corona, the number of new apprenticeships decreased from 10 800 in 2019 to 8 400 in 2020, a decrease of 22.2 per cent. The five most common culture-related occupational groups were: technical media design (2020: approx. 2 100 new trainees),event, camera and sound technology (2020: 1 500 new trainees), event service and management (2020: 1 100 new trainees), interior design, visual marketing and interior design (2020: 1000 new trainees) and publishing and media management (2020: 650 new trainees). (See Culture/Culture/Publications/Downloads-Culture/Culture-Indicators-Compact-2022.pdf? blob=publicationFile, p. 37).
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