The Georgian government has switched to an electronic management system, which has further refined in the context of remote management and services during Covid-19.
The work on the digital programme of the cultural heritage management system started in 1999 (The first project of applying GIS was implemented in 1999-2000).
Significant work has been done over the years to digitize the allocations of the National Film Fund, the National Library and the National Museum.
The strategic goals of the Culture Strategy 2025, approved in 2016, include “Cultural Infrastructure and New Technologies”:
Goal: The infrastructure of culture is developed, necessary professional environment is provided and the application of new technologies is ensured.
5.2 Objective: The development and effective application of new technologies and the integration of culture into the digital realm contributes to the strengthening of the cultural sector, intensification of creative processes, and the creation of innovative products and services.
In accordance with the Culture Strategy 2025 priority “Improvement of Cultural Governance” the following was created in 2017:
- Institutional support for innovative ecosystem is provided by: The Board of Research and Innovation of Georgia (founded on 03/02/2015. It represents a consultative body to the Government of Georgia, designed to support the development of science, research and innovations).
- Strategy “Innovative Georgia 2020”, 2016
- Law of Georgia on Innovations, adopted 22nd of June 2016, N5501-IIs.
Significant shifts in the development of new technologies started in 2014; Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency was established at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
The mission of this Agency is to create an ecosystem required for the development of innovations and technologies in Georgia; to promote the commercialization of knowledge and innovation; to encourage the use of innovations and technologies in all fields of the economy; to create an environment for growth in the export of innovations and high-tech products and to develop a high-speed internet network nationwide.
- To develop the use of internet and computer skills for the regional population; the Agency launched the project “Computer for Everyone”.
- Providing computers to students and young people in the regions at a discounted price.
- The project is implemented together with the company Intel.
The first research and technology park and a network of innovation laboratories were created
In 2014, on the basis of three universities jointly collaborating with the private sector, 3 laboratories were created to conduct teaching in:
- Programming for mobile platforms
- Creating computer games
- Computer graphics and visual effects
All labs are equipped with modern techniques. Laboratory staff have undergone additional training, and laboratories are involved in skills competitions organized by the Agency and in creating startup companies.
The Agency works both with the private and educational sectors to continue the development of innovation laboratories on the basis of other educational institutions.
In 2021, Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency and Catapult Georgia (Catapult Ventures, one of the leading Silicon Valley venture funds) signed a partnership agreement, according to which Catapult Georgia will invest $ 50 million in Georgian technology and innovation startups.
In 2024, with the support of the European Union, the Georgia Innovation and Technology Agency – GITA launched various programmes. In particular:
- IT employment programme, which gives both novice and experienced IT specialists an opportunity to improve their qualifications and start their career in the global or regional IT market.
- Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency’s (GITA) International Certification Programme within the framework of the EU-funded project “Do IT with the EU” – the goal of the EU-funded project is to train qualified IT specialists in Georgia and increase their competitiveness in the global digital market.
- Technology Transfer Programme”, which aims to promote commercialization of scientific projects that meet market needs.
- Innovation and Technology Camp for Students – the programme includes holding an innovation and technology camp for students in Batumi city within the framework of the World Bank project “National Innovation Ecosystem”, organized by the Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency.
The training programme for 3,000 IT specialists is ongoing. Within the framework of the project “National Innovation Ecosystem” (GENIE), the Georgian Agency of Innovation and Technology continues to train qualified personnel in the most in demand and highly paid professions in the market – in a total of 45 directions. (Courses: programming, project management, game/mobile development, AI, design, cybersecurity, blockchain, networking, virtualization and others).
GITA provides training in remote IT support, VOIP, Front-End, Java, Python, PHP, Android, iOS programming, IT projects and their quality management, and cybersecurity.
Within the framework of GITA-2020, a graphic design course was implemented in the regions of Georgia.
GITA and the GeoLab project: Since 2018, GeoLab, with the support of GITA, has been implementing new technology training programmes in Tbilisi and the regions of Georgia.
Training programme for online learning: GITA also implements the “How to Create a Startup” project across Georgia.
The number of organizations working in the field of new technologies is growing every year. An important role in this was played by the Georgian Artificial Intelligence Association (GAIA) founded in December 2023.
GAIA’s mission is to accelerate Georgia’s economic development by promoting the best use of AI by society and business. The association works to spread education about artificial intelligence and supports the academic, private, and public sectors in the introduction and development of AI technologies.
GAIA has three working directions – Knowledge Sharing, Awareness Raising and Advocacy; Support of Businesses and Startups and Development of Georgian Artificial Intelligence. In all three directions, GAIA cooperates with association members and partners from the private and public sectors, academia, civil society and media.
Speak for Georgia is a joint project of GAIA and Common Voice Georgia, supporting data collection for the development of the Georgian Speech-to-Text model.
GAIA works with government agencies, community groups, businesses and donors to ensure Georgia has an AI strategy and a vision for its development and adoption.
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