The Cultural Endowment of Estonia supports the creative work of artists by providing scholarships, study and travel grants as well as project support (see chapter 1.2.2).
According to the Copyright Act, authors of books (writers, illustrators and translators) loaned from public libraries are compensated based on the frequency of loans. The purpose of the copyright compensation fund is to compensate authors and copyright holders for their loaned works in public libraries. The Authors’ Foundation was established in 2004 by the Estonian Writers’ Union, the Estonian Publishers’ Union and the Estonian Graphic Designers’ Union.
Three percent of the net value of recording devices such as VHS, DVD, CD-R and CD-RW and eight percent of blank audio cassettes, VHS, mini-disks, CD-Rs, CD-RWs, DVD-Rs and DVD-RWs is collected and redistributed between representatives of authors and performers. However, the current regulation is rather outdated compared to the fast developments in technology and recording equipment. Authors’ and performers’ organisations have won a case against the Estonian government, which obliges the Estonian government to update the list of recording devices and recording media. So far, there has been no political will to change the regulation.
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