Artists who are employed are entitled to social security like every other employee. This means that they pay health and social insurance (e.g. maternity benefits are consequently paid from social insurance) as well as pension insurance. In the case of unemployment, the unemployment benefits are paid to the person from insurance contributions.
Artists, authors, self-employed persons (who are not employees) must pay health and social insurance from a fixed amount of income. Social insurance is divided into two payments: sickness and pension insurance. Sickness insurance is voluntary and the artist can pay for it, but it is not compulsory. Those without sickness insurance are not entitled to receive sickness benefits or maternity benefits. Since 1 January 2009, all artists must pay pension insurance because each job they do is considered to be part of continuous employment, according to an amendment to the Act on Pension Insurance. Up to the end of 2008 artists did not have to pay pension insurance as they claimed that they are not continuously employed. Royalties for contributions to newspapers or radio and television appearances are exempted as long as monthly income does not exceed a certain limit defined in the Act on Income Tax. When an artist is unemployed, the unemployment benefit is paid from the contribution to state unemployment policy. All citizens including artists pay the contribution to state unemployment policy in their pension insurance.
Act No. 592/1992 Coll. on premiums for health insurance states in detail the amount of the insurance rate (assessment base, determination period, payments for employees, for self-employed people); Act No. 589/1992 Coll. on social security contributions and contribution to the state employment policy regulates the contribution to pension and sickness insurance and the contribution to the state employment policy; Act No. 187/2006 Coll. on Sickness Insurance regulates the system of sickness insurance and Act No. 155/1995 Coll. on Pension Insurance regulates duties for artists – authors.
In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, in March 2020 the Government of the CR removed the obligation for self-employed persons working on the basis of a trade license to pay the minimum deposit in their contributions to the health and social insurance systems for the period from March to August 2020 (Act No. 300/2020 Coll.). Those who paid only the minimum deposit to these systems were exempted from payment requirement altogether. Those who regularly paid more than the minimum amount had to pay the difference between the minimum and the total they based on their level of income.
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