CzechTourism, a state agency administered by the Ministry of Regional Development, promotes the CR both at home and abroad as a tourism destination. When it comes to the links between culture and tourism, in all the strategic documents cultural heritage is made the foundation and focus of this connection.
The potential that lies in linking tourism to CCI is not yet a priority issue at the state level in relation to travel and tourism. The reverse, however, can be observed at the level of the regions and municipalities, which in their strategic documents highlight the symbiosis between culture, CCI, and tourism in reference to local and regional development. An example of this is the Strategic Plan of the City of Prague from 2016, which in reference to the strategic direction it sets out for becoming a ‘prospering and creative European metropolis’ talks about using high-quality live cultural events to achieve ‘smart’ tourism. Another example is the South-Bohemian Tourism Centre (an organisation administered by the South Bohemian Region), which in 2019, as part of a project of cross-border cooperation with an Austrian partner, used music to implement its principles for cultural tourism.
The idea of linking music festivals, for example, to tourism has been repeatedly highlighted by the music industry. Many festivals across genres have to this end had their multiplication effects calculated.
The Czech Film Commission (see 3.5.3.) works to promote filming locations among international filmmakers and tourists and offers foreign filmmakers assistance in communicating with national and local offices, connects them with local partners and service providers, and provides them with information about the conditions of filmmaking in the CR. IT also offers regions and municipalities in the CR assistance in promoting and marketing their region as a potential filming location.
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