The music industry in the CR has long been one of the most fragmented segments of the CCI and one that has been unable to come together. One part of the music industry has traditionally ranked among the areas supported from public resources and that is the area of classical music. Pop music, by contrast, has usually depended solely on revenue from the sale of tickets of performances and other private sources.
The MC has several programmes through which it financially supports music. First, there is a standard grant competition through which it is possible to obtain support for an individual project or for year-long activities. There is also the Programme of State Support for Professional Arts Festivals, which is intended for large music festivals, especially ones devoted to classical music. Symphony orchestras and vocal ensembles that are administered at a lower level of public administration are supported through the Programme of State Support for Professional Theatres, Symphony Orchestras, and Vocal Ensembles.
In the sphere of music the MC administers two contributory organisations: the Czech Philharmonic and the Prague Philharmonic Choir.
As part of the Concept of Support for the Arts for 2015-2020 the Czech Music Export Office was established, its focus being to promote Czech contemporary music abroad and advance its standing in international markets.
The pro-export music agency SoundCzech was founded in 2016. In addition to promoting the Czech music scene abroad, it also supports vocational educational training and tries to connect music professionals with each other both within the CR and internationally. The agency also played an important role in uniting the music industry while lockdown measures were in place in the country to combat COVID-19, which had a particularly hard impact on the music sector (see also 2.9.)
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