Funding for the literature and books sector is provided by Flanders Literature (see 1.2.3 and 3.5.2), which functions separately from the Arts Decree. This funding body was established by the Decree of 30 March 1999.
The Decree of 23 December 2016 introduced a regulated book price in Flanders. This means that publishers (or importers) set the price of a book (both paper and e-book), which has to be respected by book vendors for a period of at least six months. Limited price reductions are possible under certain conditions and the rules do not apply to certain genres of books (such as scientific or educational works). Publishers or importers can register the price of books in the online database Boekenbank.
The Decree on Amateur Arts of 22 December 2000 arranges support for amateur artists in different disciplines, including amateur authors.
There is also important legislation on the Federal level. The Law of 8 April 1965 on the Legal Deposit stipulates that copies of every publication that is published on Belgian territory or that is written by an author domiciled in Belgium must be submitted to the National Library of Belgium (KBR). The Royal Order of 13 December 2012 specifies the fee that authors receive when their books are on loan in public libraries (the general provisions for lending rights are codified in copyright legislation, see 4.1.6).
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