Section 5 deals with arts and cultural education. Policies on education are a competence of the Communities in Belgium (with a only small part of legislation residing with the Federal State). Legislation and policy documents on the Flemish education system can be consulted through Edulex. The education goals (“onderwijsdoelen”) in secondary education are currently in a process of reform. The legal documents in which these new attainment targets and other goals are grounded, can be consulted at The new Decree on out-of-school childcare (“Decreet houdende de organisatie van buitenschoolse opvang en de afstemming tussen buitenschoolse activiteiten” of 3 May 2018) will come into effect in 2021. Part-time education in the arts was recently reformed by the Decree of 9 March 2018.
Several subsections of section 2 refer to equal opportunities policies, which are divided among different levels of government (Communities, Federal State, provincial, and local authorities) and different policy areas. The website of the Flemish policy field of Equal Opportunities provides an overview of Flemish, Federal, and international legislation. An important part of legislation is the Decree of 10 July 2008 (“Decreet houdende een kader voor het Vlaamse gelijkekansen- en gelijkebehandelingsbeleid”).
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