The Law on Culture (2012) pays a lot of attention to cultural heritage in general and its areas that are outlined in relevant chapters: immovable, movable, intangible cultural heritage, including historical and cultural monuments, cultural property, national cultural archives, examples and objects of national cultural heritage, underwater cultural heritage, national culinary examples, commitments to the protection of national cultural heritage and of cultural values, mode of use of cultural objects, list of protected cultural treasures, export of cultural resources, etcetera.
The Law on the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (April 1998) defines the issues, specifies the responsibilities of state and local authorities, and lays down principles for the use, study, conservation, restoration, reconstruction, renovation and safety of historical and cultural monuments. The scope of the law extends to archaeological and architectural objects, ethnographic, numismatic, epigraphic, anthropological materials, buildings, monuments, things related to historical events and personalities, and values related to religious beliefs. Furthermore, the law declares that privatisation of state-owned monuments included in the list of world natural and cultural heritage and national cultural and natural heritage is not allowed.
New requirements concerning the keep and use of national archives, the need to determine the ownership status of state and non-state archives and documents, and the absence of any legal basis for management and use of this immense intellectual resource, were the main inspiration for the Law on National Archives Fund (June 1999).
The Law on Museums (March 2000) regulates relations between museums and the state, defines the duties, functions, privileges and powers of both sides, lays down detailed rules on museum activity, promotes the protection, conservation, development and enrichment of museum collections, and improves the social security position of museum workers.
The Law on Specially Protected Natural Areas and Objects (March 24, 2000) declares that specially protected natural areas and objects are the national wealth of the Republic of Azerbaijan and have exceptional ecological, scientific, cultural and aesthetic value. It refers to state nature reserves (including the biosphere), national, nature, ecological, zoological, geological and dendrological parks, natural monuments, botanical gardens, health resorts, et cetera. This Law determines the legal bases of the organisation and protection of specially protected natural areas in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, and protection of specially protected natural objects.
The Cabinet of Ministers also approved necessary rules and guidelines in this domain:
- The Rules of Import, Export and Transit of Cultural Values Through the Territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2014),
- The Rules of Temporary Export of Cultural Values in Connection with Exhibitions, Tours, Restoration Works, Presentations, Carrying out of International Cultural Actions (2014),
- The Rules for the Protection, Restoration and Use of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Azerbaijan (2015) and
- The Guarantees Given to Owners of Objects of National Cultural Heritage to Ensure the Protection of These Objects (2016), et cetera.
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