The Law on Mandatory Copying of Documents, adopted on the 04 October 2005, regulates the legal and financial-economic relations concerning the delivery, permanent preservation, registration of editions, electronic publications and unpublished material of all types, preparation of a bibliography and public use of the national heritage.
According to some Decrees adopted by the government in 1997, central libraries of the library system were reorganised as regional libraries, and other libraries under community ownership.
The coordinating link of works between the state and book-publishing sphere is the Agency on Publishing of the Ministry of Culture, which is responsible for the organisation and assistance to the book-publishing sphere, as well as for providing state assistance to the non-state press and regional TV companies. The Agency works out plans and programmes for sector development, renders assistance to the activities organised by NGOs, promotes the presentation of Armenian books at the international exhibitions, fairs, etc.
The priorities in the literature sector to receive state assistance are determined by the government as advised by the authorised body on cultural issues (the Ministry of Culture). The Ministry of Culture extends financing by evaluating and choosing application proposals with a group of experts.
On 1 November 2007, the government adopted Decree N1285 on Approval of the Procedure of Free Distribution and Realisation of Literature Published by the State Order. The Ministry of Culture carries out free distribution and realisation of the literature published by the state order through the “Book” fund, concluding a commission agreement with it. The Ministry determines which organisations receive free literature from the “Book” fund.
On 21 March 2012 the government adopted the Law on Libraries and Library Science, regulating issues and procedures of library management, preservation, completion and use of library collections.
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