Under the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia (Articles 8.1, 11, 31, 40, 41):
- Historical and cultural monuments and other cultural values are under the care and protection of the state;
- within the framework of the principles and norms of international law, the Republic of Armenia contributes to fostering relations with the Armenian Diaspora, protecting Armenian historical and cultural values located in other countries, and promotes Armenian education and culture;
- the Republic of Armenia recognises the exclusive historical mission of the Apostolic Church as a national church in the spiritual life and development of the national identity of the people of Armenia;
- the state guarantees the existence and activity of an independent and public radio and television service offering a variety of information, cultural and entertainment programmes;
- intellectual property is protected by law;
- everyone has the right to freedom of literary, aesthetic, scientific and technical creation, to make use of scientific advancement and to participate in cultural life;
- everyone has the right to preserve his or her national and ethnic identity. Persons belonging to national minorities have the right to preservation and development of their traditions, religion, language and culture.
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