Consistent works have been carried out to value and appreciate culture as sustainable development potential. The role of culture in economic stability, preservation of national identity, formation of the civil society and social capital in the country, preservation of peace, cultural diversity is studied. The Government Programme of the Republic of Armenia which includes provisions concerning the economy, urban development, healthcare, nature protection, culture and other sectors, and is aimed at the development of tax policy and administration, institutional modernisation and development of infrastructures of the country. The successful implementation of the cultural policy firstly depends on the principle of state budgeting. The financing of the cultural sector is carried out on the basis of programme budgeting, the priority areas of which derive from laws of the Republic of Armenia in force, decisions of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the system of measures designated by the sustainable development programme. The whole chain of “drafting — planning — budgeting” of those policies is implemented through triennial medium-term state expenditure frameworks, in the elaboration, financing, organisation, monitoring of which the civil society representatives in the composition of sectoral professional boards of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia are engaged. In the field of Culture the revenues geared down to the potential of economic growth are the revenues received from cultural services rendered to the public that mostly generate from the sales of tickets to theatre goers, concert goers and to exhibition visitors, the lease of halls, premises, lending of drawings, bibliographic and indexing services, sales of books, newspapers, etc. From the point of view of building the capacities of national minorities and human capital, ensuring their education, importance is attached also to many non-governmental organisations and cultural centres of national minorities operating in the Republic of Armenia, the aim of which is to nurture national consciousness, preserve and develop the mother tongue, literature, history and culture. Inclusive creative measures and targeted educational programmes for full-fledged integration of vulnerable groups into the cultural life, providing conditions for their further creative development and progress, creating self-manifestation opportunities, as well as building a climate of tolerance in the public are implemented in the sector.
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