As some research shows, the presence of arts is linked to increased neighborhood livability, community identity, and social wellbeing[1]. This is true for Armenia as well. As a result of needs assessments for different communities, many of them name among their main problems that hinder their well-being, the absence of cultural/art institutions, cultural/art education and cultural/art activities for children, youth and the older people. Thus, projects for the renovation of cultural houses are frequent among the projects implemented in the framework of the state programme of infrastructural subventions to communities and their number increase yearly (4 – 2018, about 50 – 2019, about 90 – 2020)[2]. Cultural houses are usually only spaces for the organization of art classes and cultural events in the regions and their presence obviously improves the quality of life. Projects for the creation of community centres funded by the “My Step” Foundation also include art components to positively impact life in the remote communities.
After the second Karabakh war (2020) one of the tools and mechanisms to help psychological rehabilitation of the displaced children and children living in the border-zone were art classes, theatrical performances, exhibitions and musical concerts. The street art on war thematics like portraits of killed soldiers on the walls of houses where they lived or schools where they learned, supported by private donors or even schools and municipalities has become one of the memorial practices to alleviate the grief of parents and friends.
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