NGOs are playing a significant role in implementation of cultural policies and projects as well as professional cooperation. Different aspects of cultural activities of NGOs are addressed in chapters 1.2.5, 1.2.6, 1.3.1, 1.3.3, and 2.5.5. Within the framework of different projects and activities, described in the listed chapters, Armenian NGOs usually develop active professional cooperation with local and foreign art professionals.
The development of collaboration between art professionals from abroad and local NGOs have become important since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Thus, in 2022-23 the Cultural and Social Narratives laboratory NGO funded by the New Democracy Fund is hosting a thematic residency programme for artists, cultural workers, or representatives of related fields, whose main areas of interest include urban space issues, urban memory, and the ways of interpretation of the Soviet urban architecture as an inheritance of the colonial past are invited to apply for the residency programme. The residency is held in the city of Dilijan (Tavush region), where they can also participate in local art life.
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