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Rod Fisher

Director “International Intelligence on Culture”
Rod Fisher founded and directed International Intelligence on Culture (which specialised in international cultural policy research and consultancy) from 2000-2015 and its predecessor the International Arts Bureau. Now working part-time, he is Associate Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London, lecturing on cultural policies in Europe and, from 1984-2007, led a Master’s degree module on a similar subject at City University, London. He also has specialist knowledge of cultural policies beyond Europe, especially in Asia. Prior to establishing his company, he worked for the Arts Council of Great Britain in several capacities, latterly as International Affairs Manager, and spent nine years managing arts/leisure programmes for local authorities. He was also Director of the European Cultural Foundation UK Committee from 2002-2012. Fisher co-founded the CIRCLE network (Chairman 1985-94) and he chaired the expert group evaluating cultural policy in Finland (1994). He has conducted research, lectured and delivered conference papers in 33 countries worldwide and has written on the European institutions, comparative cultural policies, arts management and cultural relations/diplomacy etc. The latter issue has been a particular focus of his interests over the past decade, as has culture and health.
The current entry for the United Kingdom has been prepared and edited by Rod Fisher, working with Gabriele Neuditschko, a former Masters Degree student at Goldsmiths who works as a freelance arts manager in London. They would like to acknowledge the financial assistance provided by the Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship that helped Gabriele assist Rod in this undertaking.
They also acknowledge previous assistance from Victoria Prior, a former MA student at Goldsmiths, who worked with Rod Fisher on an early draft entry for the UK in 2012/13, which was not completed because of illness and pressure of other work. Much has changed in the period since then and current entry represents a fundamental revision to reflect this. Another former MA student at Goldsmiths, Kate Huff, prepared early drafts of the organigrams in chapter 1.2.1 in 2016, which it was possible to update for this entry.
Steven Hadley

Consultant and researcher
Dr Steven Hadley is an academic, consultant and researcher working internationally in arts management, cultural policy and audience engagement. He is currently a Research Fellow at National University of Ireland Galway and Visiting Lecturer at Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany) and has held research posts at the universities of Sheffield, Bradford, and Leeds. Steven is an Associate Consultant with The Audience Agency, and sits on the Steering Committee of the Cultural Research Network (USA) and the Editorial Boards of both Cultural Trends and the European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy. He has lectured, taught and delivered training in over fifteen countries and works as a consultant for a wide range of cultural organisations. His recent published work has focussed on cultural democracy, audience engagement and hyperinstrumentalism. His book, Audience Development and Cultural Policy, is published by Palgrave MacMillan.
Carla Figueira

Carla is an academic and consultant in the field of international cultural relations, cultural & creative sectors policy and management, and linguistic policies. She is the Director of the MA in Cultural Policy, Relations and Diplomacy and of the MA in Tourism and Cultural Policy at the Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom. She is an international relations graduate of the Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Portugal). She moved to London after a career in arts management. In the UK, she gained an MA in Arts Management (City University, UK, Chevening Scholar) and a PhD in Cultural Policy and Management (City University, UK, Praxis XXI Scholar). Carla is a member of ICCRA, the International Cultural Relations Research Alliance, ENCATC, the European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).
You can find out more about Carla Figueira here: https://www.gold.ac.uk/icce/staff/figueira-carla/
Andrew Ormston

Andrew Ormston is a consultant and expert working across the cultural and creative industries. Recent projects include studies and reviews in Europe, MENA and South East Asia in areas like creative hubs, film, and cultural heritage. He is a lead expert for the European Commission, critical friend for the Creative People and Places programme, and research assessor for the Carnegie Foundation for Scottish Universities. Andrew is Chair of Cinema for All, Executive Committee member of Scotland’s regeneration forum (SURF) and Board member of the Queen’s Hall concert hall and Berwick Film Festival. He is currently a member of the National Advisory Group for the Covid Community Memorial Programme, a MCR Pathways mentor, and a key practitioner for Edinburgh University’s School of Social and Political Science.