Kornelia Pfeiffer

Independent researcher and journalist

Kornelia Pfeiffer holds a Master's degree in Contemporary History and English Literature from the Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen/Germany. She also studied at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA) and at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Libary Hyde Park, New York. She worked as a freelance journalist for radio stations in Southern Germany, and as an editor for daily newspapers and monthly magazines. In 1996, she took up residence in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Since then she has worked as a correspondent for newspapers and radio stations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and as an editor for economics for a newspaper and editor for culture for a magazine in Liechtenstein.

The profile of Liechtenstein was first prepared by Alicia Längle-Schlegel and updated by Thomas Büchel, Stabstelle. Since 2008, the profile was updated by Kornelia Pfeiffer.

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