The Compendium
of Cultural Policies
& Trends

Online database with
in-depth information
on cultural policies,
statistics and trends.

Open Call for Experts for Greece & Bosnia and Herzegovina

New Short Profiles in Spanish Language

A Closer Look at Cultural Policy in Peru

Cultural Policy News from Finland, Montenegro and the Netherlands

Compendium at the Council of Europe

Luxembourg Begins Council of Europe Chairmanship with a Focus on Culture

State of Culture Report published by Culture Action Europe

Spain is taking care of “Cultural Rights”

Freedom to Artistic Expression in Europe | Survey Results
The compendium marks the launch of the 2023 cultural policy research campaign “Silencing Dissent? On Barriers to Freedom of Artistic Expressions” and explores the current challenges and framework conditions for artists’ creativity. In the coming months, the platform will publish several reports written by cultural policy expert Andreas Wiesand and invite the general public to participate in various interactive formats (e.g. webtalks, online surveys, interview screenings).
Expert Community
The Compendium’s country profiles are written by a dedicated group of independent experts in cultural policy research. Together they form a dynamic and transnational community of practice.

As an Association, the Compendium is able to maintain its services with the help of committed members – from national ministries dealing with culture to independent cultural organisations.